Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey!! You guys you can also be in my blog!!! how cool!!

Hey guys!! i hope that you liked my recipe and my facts!!!. Today is Sun and you need to make sure you go to church!!! If you have any questions about hte recipe send me a commet or if you have some cool facts tell me and i will put on my post or you can telll me some jokes and i can also put it on my blog!!

Friends are like family!!!


Raisa said...

Hey!!! Ive got a joke!!! OK, "the
teacher asks who was Mary the mother of Jesus' husband was. A little boy said'Virg'.'No. where did you get that?' the teacher asks. 'you know, Virg in Mary!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

1 st grader really needed to pee so she asked if she could go to the bathroom the teacher had to here her ABCs first so she said ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ Where's the P she said The little 1st grader replied down my leg...